Breathing is the most important part of a yoga pose.It used frough out the practise in Ashtanga-Vinyasa, when in other schools of yoga it is not emphesided so much to use it during the practise of asana. Ujjayi
(oo-jy-ee) breath, also called conqueror breath or snoring breath is a great breath for beginner yogis. Here are the steps to practice and learn Ujjayi Breath.
1. Sit in with legs crossed or in half lotus, lengthen your spinal with your , relaxe your houlders.
2. Inhale through your nose, then exhale slowly through a widly-opened mouth. Direct the out-going breath slowly across the back of your throat with a drawn-out HA sound.
3. Try this a few times and then close your mouth. Now, as you both inhale and exhale through your nose, direct the breath again slowly across the back of your throat. Ideally you should hear, a soft sea-shell sound or ocean-wave like sound.
4. This sound, called ajapa mantra (
ah-JOP-ah mahn-trah) or "unspoken mantra" it slows down and regulates your breath, allowing you to focus your awareness on your body and mind.